Tuesday 12 February 2013

what’s my beef? or pork?!

Sometimes when I contact a company about their service isn’t always about getting restitution, although, admittedly, it often is.  Sometimes my goal is a bit more altruistic – I just want the company I’m contacting to know that their service didn’t quite fit my expectations. 

And sometimes their reactions don’t fit my expectations. 

This is currently were I’m at; honestly I was so befuddled by the response that I didn’t know how to react.

A friend and I decided we would eat out for Christmas dinner and choose a small chic boutique hotel 
downtown.  It’s one of these places that people like me can’t afford to stay at but can afford high tea or a dinner once in awhile.  Reservations were made and expectations high. 

I should also comment that when I shared this plan amount my peers several people commented that this hotel had a very well known vegan chef.  I’ll also comment now that I don’t eat pork, beef or as I call them ‘four footed’ animals.  My choice comes down to one very simple thing – I don’t feel well after I eat them and not eating them is pretty easy.

The next part of the story is very much as I remember it – that is to say I certainly couldn’t swear to the fact in a court of law, but we’re discussing perception here, so bear with me.  The menu was prix fixe and I chose the ‘Christmas dinner with all the fixings’ as the entrĂ©e.  My appetizer was lovely, perhaps the star of that option, and the turkey was lovely too until I cut into what looked like a small meatball.  Not thinking anything of it, and not eating it either I continued on with my meal.  However several hours later and in some distress I thought back and realized that it was a bit of sausage, as in sausage stuffing. 

I decided to contact the catering manager at the hotel and explain that while the service was great I was disappointed that the inclusion of what I believe to be pork or some other red meat was not included on the menu.  Living in the city I have become accustomed to restaurants not mixing meats on their menus in order to accommodate diets like mine.

What I got back was an acknowledgement that yes there was sausage in my meal and that ‘pork was not red meat.’

Game.  Set.  Point completely missed.

So what does a girl do?  I considered sending the response along with a note that my point was missed to the General Manager but ultimately decided that it just wasn’t worth the energy to bother.  Why?  Because honestly I visit this location every 5 years or so and should we opt to go out for Christmas dinner again this year, there are plenty of boutique places to try.

Sometimes it’s just not worth it.  Sometimes your point gets missed.  This time it was both.